We in the churches of Christ
unequivocally know and emphatically teach that the way denominations use the term “pastor” is not biblical. Nowhere in the New Testament will you find the concept of a one man “Pastor” running the
church. It is an unscriptural position and practice. But many adhere to this heresy of everyone being under one man leadership. Some even have female pastoral leadership. However, women in
Christianity are commanded to take a submissive and passive role in all spiritual matters relating to the men (1Cor.14:34-37; 1Tim.2:11-12;
There is only one place in the New Testament where we find one man leadership taking charge of the church and he was sinning (3John.9-10). Before a congregation develops leadership (elders/preachers/deacons), it is the faithful brethren/plural that are charged with leadership of the congregation (Col.1:2). Of course, after organizing biblical leadership it is still a collection of faithful men/plural/elders that oversee the congregation and not just one man (Acts 14:23, 20:17,28; Tit.1:5).
“And when they ordained them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, on whom they believed” (Acts 14:23). Notice, it is not an elder/single in every church/congregation, but elders/plural in every church/congregation.
When Paul called the Ephesian elders/plural of the church/congregation, he told them to take heed unto yourselves and to all the flock/sheep over which the Holy Spirit had made you overseers, to “feed” (literally to shepherd/pastor) the church of God, which he purchased with his blood (Acts 20:17,28). Where is single pastor leadership found in this text? Nowhere! God gave plural leadership over local congregations. Elders plural are the pastors. The preacher is not the pastor. The preacher does not have authority over the congregation or over brethren. It is a plurality of elders (two or more) that have been delegated authority over all the flock/congregation.
Richard Stevens III