Hayward church of Christ
Hayward church of Christ

The Latest Bulletin Article

Staying Committed to God in a World of Idolatry


    Last Sunday night, we delved into the life of Elijah, a man with passions like ours, to explore his unwavering commitment to God. ​ Elijah's account, found in 1 Kings 17, is a powerful reminder of the importance of intentionality in our relationship with the Creator. ​ Just as we pursue ambitions in various aspects of our lives, we must also be driven in our devotion to God. ​

    Elijah, a prophet from a small town near Gilead, appeared during a time of severe idolatry in Israel. ​ King Ahab, influenced by his wife Jezebel, had led the nation to worship Baal and Asherah, turning away from God. ​ God sent prophets like Elijah to correct His people, often facing great danger for speaking against idolatry. ​

    Idolatry, then and now, involves treating the created as if it were the Creator. ​While we may not bow to wooden images, anything that captures our hearts and attention can become an idol. ​ Romans 1:22-23 warns against exchanging the glory of God for images, and Romans 1:25 cautions against worshiping the creature rather than the Creator. ​ Today, idols can be money, possessions, people, positions, and pleasures—anything that distracts us from God. ​

    Joshua recognized this danger when he urged the Israelites to serve the Lord sincerely and put away other gods (Joshua 24:14-15). ​ Similarly, Jesus taught us that we cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6). ​ Our commitment to God must be unwavering, as divided loyalty invites chaos into our lives. ​

    Elijah's bold declaration to King Ahab, "As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word" (1 Kings 17:1), exemplifies his dedication. ​ His name, meaning "Jehovah is my God," reflected his parents' hopes and his own commitment. ​ Elijah's confidence came from his constant contact with God, enabling him to stand firm before anyone. ​

    Our commitment to God empowers us to represent Him without fear. ​ Elijah's message to Ahab was rooted in God's Word, specifically Deuteronomy 11:16-17, which warned of the consequences of idolatry. ​ When we speak where God has spoken, we have the full backing of heaven. ​

    Will you remain committed to God in a world of distractions and idols? ​ Elijah's account reminds us that true power lies with God, not our trials or tribulations. ​ Our worship and service must be directed solely to Him. ​ As we navigate life's challenges, let us proclaim boldly, "Jehovah is my God," and live out our calling with unwavering dedication. ​

    May we, like Elijah, stand firm in our faith, relinquish our idols, and experience the blessings of a life fully committed to God. ​ Amen.


                                                                     ©Feb 2024, Courtney Henderson 



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